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KINGSTON, N.Y. (NEWS10) — The lineup has been announced for the 13th annual O+ Festival in Kingston. The festival is set for October 6 through 8.
The O+ Festival, pronounced O positive, is a celebration of art, music, and wellness. According to the O+ website, the festival was created in 2010 by a group of artists-activists, doctors, and a dentist. O+ is now a national nonprofit with festivals around the United States.
More artists are to be announced, said festival organizers. Submissions are also open for the O+ Artists’ Clinic and O+ Festival Wellness ExpO+. You can apply for both on the O+ website.
Early bird festival weekend passes are currently on sale on the O+ website. The festival takes place along 52 Main Street in Kingston.
Written by: Soft FM Radio Staff
Festival Kingstons LineUp music
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